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Paria Tavallai

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• Information Technology Professional with 19 years of combined experience in Project Management, Resource Management, Business Analysis.
• Proven track record of leading enterprise scale, complex IT projects in heavily matrixed (Fortune 500) organizations, managing budget accountability in the range of $1Mil – $4Mil overall/higher.
• Proven track record of successfully leading and delivering complex projects simultaneously within multiple organizations, deliverables, team members and audiences requiring ongoing prioritization and relationship management.
• Highly experienced in the Healthcare domain.
• Proven track record of successful process improvement and project deliveries in the Healthcare, Insurance, Biomedical, Research, Finance, and Marketing industries.
• Extensively experienced and knowledgeable in Agile and Waterfall SDLC Methodologies.
• Experienced in enhancing overall SDLC process within a Lean Six Sigma Kaizen effort.
• Applying industry’s best practices with project management including strategy, project planning, budget and resources.
• Experience in data collection and analysis within clinical trials and research studies in compliance with State and Federal regulations.
• Highly skilled in complex tools and techniques for Data/Process and Workflow Modeling.
• Experienced in building user interface mockups used to build prototypes.

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