IAW Foundation Launches New York Chapter By: Laya Khadjavi

IAW Foundation Launches New York Chapter By: Laya Khadjavi

Following the success of the IAWF conference in New York, we are excited to launch a regional chapter in New York to help better serve our community of Iranian-American women based in the tri-state area. We look forward to building a platform that leverages our diverse experiences, broad networks and the multitude of industry opportunities we can identify. Our goal is to help one another and, just as importantly, the younger IAW generation in our respective professional pursuits.

The first act of the chapter was to coordinate a thank you for the gracious speakers, sponsors and organizers of the New York conference. As such, the group hosted a private tour of the celebrated "Iran Modern" exhibit at Asia Society. The tour was guided and narrated by Dr. Layla Diba, curator of the exhibit, who provided our guests with invaluable and insightful background on the artwork and their respective artists.

On the heals of that event, IAWF’s New York chapter will soon announce the formation of its young professionals group in addition to its industy-specific committees. The main goal of the committees is to create and implement educational content throughout the year, create networking opportunities and enable access to various industries. We are targeting our first workshop for the end of April, so please stay tuned.

We are very excited about the expansion of IAWF to the East Coast and want to thank Mariam Khosravani and the New York chapter for their vision, passion and tireless efforts.

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