Link to My Survey

Link to My Survey

My name is Mehrnaz Rahimi, a PhD student in Media and Communications at the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech University.
If you are Iranian or an Iranian-American who is living in Southern California, my adviser, Dr. Kent Wilkinson, and I would like to ask you to participate in a research study regarding media use and the strength of community ties. This research has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at Texas Tech University. Research participation is completely confidential. We will not be able to identify you individually, and we will not ask for your name or any other personal information. Please feel free to skip any questions you are not comfortable answering. You may quit at any time by closing the browser window. It should not take more than 15 minutes to answer the questions.

Please click on the following link if you are interested to participate.

For more information please contact Dr. Kent Wilkinson at or (806)-834-0199 or Mehrnaz Rahimi at or (806)-789-6697.

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